This is a Ginger Bread, and not Gingerbread (not that I’d try to confuse anyone intentionally of course…)

1/2 tsp Yeast
200g Strong White flour
200g Strong Brown flour
15ml Virgin Olive Oil
1 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Sugar
2 tsp Ground Ginger
30g Crystallised Ginger
100ml Semi-skimmed milk
170ml Water

Bake for 4 hours on a standard raisin bake, and make sure that the crystallised ginger is finely chopped before placing in the nut dispenser. It’s possibly worth increasing the 30g a little if you really like ginger, as the baking does reduce the intensity of the flavour somewhat, and it might also be possible to add an extra 1/2 tsp of mixed spice, or replace the 2 tsp of ground ginger with 1 tsp of ginger and 1 tsp of mixed spice.