Due to a VPN at work, the desire to IPSec from home and a collision of IP ranges, I needed to use a different range for home. Don’t ever, ever mistype the IP address on a Netgear RO318 and get it to end in a zero…

I did this (via the web interface), but just as I realised my mistake, the form was submitted. Bad, bad move. What should have been a 5 minute job (I had every system setting pre-configured and ready to launch after a reboot [yes, I know I don’t have to reboot, but I wanted to ensure that everything would work after a reboot, as this server needs to be able to recover from such things by itself]) took over 40 minutes to figure out.

The result ? Mac OS X and NetBSD really hate machines ending in .0 and will refuse to telnet to them. Annoyingly, ping still worked, but after much messing around the only solution was to factory reset the RO318, and hope that I could remember all of the ports I forward…

Dopey web front end. If you’re going to force people to use one rather than the telnet interface, then at least it ought to trap insane values. Humph.