This is a modification of a recipe I found last christmas, and have played with slightly in order to make them more unhealthy and bigger than most shop bought ones 🙂

The depth of the muffin mould is the main issue for cooking time – I have some very deep (8cm) silicone ones that mean that it’s normally timed by eye with liberal use of a hat pin. If you use shallower trays then do reduce the cooking time unless you enjoy eating small bricks…

300g Self-raising flour
100g Caster sugar
Pinch of salt
100g Butter
200g Bar of white chocolate
180ml Milk
2 Lemons
2 Eggs

Chop the chocolate bar into decent sized chunks (this is to taste but I quarter the ones pre-pressed into the bar) and place to one side.

Mix the flour, sugar and salt together. Blend the milk and eggs together and then add the mixture and melted butter to the dry ingredients. Stir together, but leave the mixture lumpy to give the muffins more texture.

Add in the zest of both lemons and the juice of one and then fold in the chocolate chunks. Try not to over mix, and spoon into the moulds to about 85% of the depth to get a slightly overflowing top.

Cooking time for a fan-assisted electric oven is 180°C for 20 to 25 min.