Time for another site makeover, this time with {Wordpress} as the main item behind the scenes, which means there’s far more I can do now than with my own (creaky) XML file based blog. As far as I can make it, the design is styled with CSS rather than HTML tricks, and I hope to use this site to learn more about CSS and design in general.
The main reason behind the change was to allow commenting on some of the more popular parts of the site (such as the WinCVS/SSH guide) so mistakes and extra tips can easily be left: there’s no need to register or give your email address if you don’t want to.
If you’re reading this via RSS, you might want to check your subscription URI is one of the three options available on the main page (RSS 0.92, RSS 2.0 or ATOM 0.3) although a redirect will be in place for the foreseeable future (NetNewsWire Lite correctly honours my redirect message, so if your aggregator is well behaved it might already have been done).
Enjoy !
Wow! This looks *so* much better than the old site; not to detract from your efforts at having a go yourself, you understand 😉
Good job…
The new site looks fab matey, very impressed. Glad to see you are using wordpress too 🙂 Its much cleaner and clearer than the last site, easier on the old eyes (old being the operative word in my case 😉 )
😳 Aww, thanks ! That’s two WP installs so far, and there’ll be a third once I’ve got myself sorted with the gallery which is currently stuck trying to decide if I should finish my own, use a pre-packaged one or modify someone else’s code. It’s very pleasant having so many options !
And no offence taken about the old one – the fact that my bodged-XML file format was good enough to automate into a WP friendly format made me happy. No data was lost and 100+ entries were copied over. I think there might be a few historical ones to clean up, but that’ll happen shortly.
I hope to be able to get enough CSS skils to offer a few different themes before the year is out. So they’ll be ready in 4 years or so, then 😉