Category: digital video

video capture part three: what to do next

win2k/sonic mydvd There will be some details here, just as soon as I can stop screaming at the memory of it all…

video capture part two: getting it working

win2k/tmpgenc The answer to the AVI capture limit was simple: move to {Windows 2000} and NTFS, and capture until my hard drive ran out of space. This was…

video capture: the first steps

beos/hauppauge wintv Hmm, well that was nice. It’s a wonderful OS, bringing elegance and slickness to the desktop of even ‘slow’ machines, if you can find a selection…

video capture: the quest for quality

background I’ve been messing around with digital video since my first video camera (JVC GR-DVJ70), and have played with capture on BeOS, {Windows 98}, {Windows 2000} and {MacOS…