It’s no secret I’ve never really bought into the Linux mindset: I’m a *BSD diehard inside, even if I’ve had to ‘slum it’ on remote Linux servers for the past few years. I’m happy to find a UK host who has a pocket money KVM base system on offer that appears to work with both FreeBSD 10.1 and OpenBSD 5.7. Sadly the control panel on the hosting backend refused to recognise any NetBSD .iso other than 7_RC1, but the KVM BIOS declared that to be an empty/unbootable image 🙁
So OpenBSD 5.7 it is, on a 64-bit x86 (pah) host, idling with sshd, ntpd and a localhost smtp system in 68MB of RAM… Nice !
Take a look at what have to offer if you fancy playing around with one.